Tag Archives: Ted Talks

Taryn Simon Ted Talk

Taryn Simon Ted Talk - Photographs of Secret Sites

Since my introduction into associate lecturing at UCLAN in November 2009 I have found that my desire and determination to learn as much as I can about the medium of photography has played an crucial role in how effectively I write assignments, plan critiques and deliver lectures.

In order to teach others about contemporary photography in a fresh and imaginative way one should not only be a creative practitioner of the medium, but also have an innate interest and understanding of culture, history, social issues and technology (to name but only a few).

In an attempt to form some kind of narrative structure to this photography blog, I thought I’d share a short video of Taryn Simon speaking at Ted Talks that I showed students of the BA (Hons) International Journalism course earlier today. We were discussing how we can develop our ideas from concept into practice when I remembered watching this fantastic talk by Taryn Simon.

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