Living By The Seaside

St Annes Seaside Photowalk

I feel an affinity for the seaside and all things coastal. It makes me happy to live only a minutes walk away from the powerful and vast expanse of the sea.

Last year there was a wonderfully inspiring documentary presented by the poet and author Owen Sheers called Art and the Sea on BBC Four. Unfortunately it’s no longer on the BBC iPlayer, but you can see a short clip from it featuring the photographer Martin Parr here → Martin Parr’s Seaside

“As an island nation the sea has exerted a powerful influence on some of Britain’s best known artists. It has led to some of the finest British paintings from the likes of Constable and Turner and continues to be fertile territory for prominent artists today.” (Quote from the BBC website)

It’s no wonder so many artists are attracted to the ever-changing landscape of our shores. It is a fantastic source of inspiration and creative possibilities.

With this all in mind, I thought I’d use this blog post to share a selection of my seaside photographs shot earlier this week in St Annes.

St Annes Seaside Photography Gallery

These four photographs were all taken within the space of around ten minutes and it just goes to show how creatively fruitful a trip to the beach can be. I spent nearly two hours walking along the beach shooting photographs (you can hardly blame me with the weather as beautiful as it was) and overall I was quite happy with the images I managed to capture.

I still have a few more possible final photographs that I’d like to share from this shoot and I’ll be sure to do so once I’ve finished editing all my favourite shots.

If you like what you see please check out my photography portfolio or support my photography by telling you friends about it. As always, if you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

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